Data Sources 

Data sets and sources used for AI2ES research 

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Remote Sensing Data

samples of SEVIR data visualization


University of Oklahoma

Time period covered: 2017 – 2019

Resolution: 8 km, 5 minute

A subset of the Storm EVent ImagRy (SEVIR) dataset primed for machine learning meteorology tutorials.  

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185 kt tropical cyclone

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In Situ Data

185 kt tropical cyclone

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Model Output

CNAPS salinity

CNAPS: Coupled North Atlantic Prediction System

North Carolina State University

Time period covered: 2012 – present

Resolution: 7 km, 3 day

The Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS) is a three-dimensional marine environment nowcast and forecast model.  

Dataset details

185 kt tropical cyclone

HRRR ML Storm Mode Analyses


Time period covered: 2022 to present

Resolution: 3 km, hourly

Storms extracted from the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) and associated modes predicted by machine learning.  

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Synthetic Data

185 kt tropical cyclone

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Other Data Types

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Pangeo ML Datasets

Weather and climate datasets for AI research

A collection of weather and climate datasets for AI research curated by Stephan Rasp. A GitHub repository.

Pangeo ML  datasets

185 kt tropical cyclone

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