Middle School students use programming and robotics to learn about STEM pathways. 

Middle school students from the Corpus Christi area came together at Del Mar College to participate in the annual “Code It” Summer Camp. At this camp, the young students learn how to solve problems through the use of coding, programming, and robots. Like previous years, there was an additional focus on the intersection of computer science and environmental science, showcasing the impact that STEM careers can have on the world. Through various interactive educational activities and talks from local researchers, the camp encourages the middle school campers to continue their education and consider pursuing STEM related fields in the future. A special thank you to Korinne Caruso, Dara Betz, and the Del Mar team for organizing these high impact events for several years.

On Wednesday June 28th, Del Mar College and TAMU-CC students teamed up for a presentation at the AI2ES bi-weekly site-wide. During the event, TAMU-CC undergraduate students had the opportunity to present their cutting edge research to the middle school campers and members of AI2ES. The campers also had the opportunity to showcase what they have learned at the camp through robotic live demonstrations and leading Q&A sessions with AI2ES members.

The camp highlights AI2ES’s commitment to improving K-12 education in the sciences and training up the next generation of STEM leaders. This is particularly relevant with respect to recent recommendations from the president of the National Academy of Science, Marcia McNutt. Read more about recent National Academies’s State of the Science Address here

Read more about the “Code It” Camp:





DMC code campers running their code on the camp robots. 
Middle school camper demonstrating her robot navigating around obstacles during the AI2ES Site-wide.
TAMU-CC undergraduate researcher Anointiyae Beasley presents her work to the middle school campers at the AI2ES Site-wide.